Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Let's check your answers...

Retold by Angela Lanyon

Section A

Instruction: Please answer these questions based on the story. You must write your answer in a full sentence.

  1. Who is the main character in the story?
    1. The main character in the story is Lisa / Rumpelstiltskin.
  2. Where does the miller’s family live?
    1. The miller’s family live in a cottage in a village in a small country.
  3. What are the characteristics of the King?
    1. The characteristics of the King are greedy, selfish, impatient, arrogant, ungrateful and likes to force Lisa.
  4. What did the miller lie to the King about his daughter?
    1. The miller lied to the King about his daughter that Lisa could turn straw into gold.
  5. Why did the King keep Lisa in the tower room?
    1. The King kept Lisa in the tower room because he demanded her to turn the straw into gold.
  6. There was a strange man appeared in the tower room and offered Lisa a help. What did Lisa give to the strange man in return?
    1. The first two nights, Lisa gave him her necklace and ring in return to his favour.
  7. On the third night, Lisa made a promise to the strange man. What was the promise?
    1. Lisa promised that she would give her first-born baby to the strange man after she became a queen.
  8. A year later, the King and Lisa had a baby son. The strange man returned to claim his reward. What did the strange man ask Lisa to do?
    1. In three days, the strange man asked Lisa to guess his name.
  9. How did Lisa find out about the strange man’s name?
    1. Lisa’s parents followed the strange man to the woods and they discovered his name while he was singing and hopping around the fire.
  10. What is the name of the strange man?
    1. His name is Rumpelstiltskin.

Section B

Instruction: Based on your understanding in the story, please give your opinion to these questions.

  1. What are the themes for ‘Rumpelstiltskin’? Please describe with examples.
  2. Please choose two characters in the story and compare their characteristics.
  3. Based on the story, which character that you like or dislike the most? Why? Please describe with examples.
  4. What did you learn from the story? How would you practice it in your life?
  5. How would you like the ending of the story? You can describe it based on your own creativity.

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