Wednesday, November 10, 2010



1.                Exposition
a.                          A miller had a beautiful daughter (Lisa) and lied to the King that she could turn straw into gold.

2.              Rising action
a.                          The King demanded Lisa to spin the straw into gold within three days.
b.                          If Lisa could not fulfill the King’s wishes, her head would be cut off.
c.                           A strange man appeared suddenly and offered Lisa a help.
d.                          In return, the strange man demanded a reward.
e.                           The first two nights, Lisa rewarded him by giving her necklace and ring.
f.                             The King became so greedy and wanted more gold.
g.                           The King would make Lisa his queen if she could turn all the straw into gold or else he would cut off her head.
h.                         The strange man appeared again on the third night but Lisa had nothing to reward him.
i.                             Then, the strange man spun the straw into gold and for a promise he would have Lisa’s first-born child after she became a queen.

3.              Climax
a.                          A year after, the King and Lisa had a baby son.
b.                          The strange man returned to claim his reward.
c.                           The queen refused to give her baby.
d.                          The strange man got so angry and gave the queen three days to guess his name.
e.                           Lisa’s parents followed the strange man into the woods and discovered his real name.
f.                             On the final day, the strange man returned and asked the queen to guess his name.
g.                           Finally, the queen mentioned his name ‘Rumpelstiltskin’.

4.              Falling action
a.                          Rumpelstiltskin was so angry and stamped the floor so hard.
b.                          Then, he vanished in a puff of smoke.

5.              Resolution
a.                          Lisa’s father learnt his lesson and he promised to her that he would never boast again.


  1. Hi,
    Please attach my link to the illustration Rumpelstiltskin:
    With best regards
    Snjezana Vidovic

  2. Hi,
    Please attach my link to the illustration Rumpelstiltskin:
    With best regards
    Snjezana Vidovic
