Wednesday, November 10, 2010



       Once there was a miller who was very poor and very boastful. He had a beautiful daughter named Lisa. The miller lied to the King about Lisa who could turn straw into gold. The King was so delightful and took Lisa to the tower room which full of straw and a spinning wheel. The King demanded Lisa to turn the straw into gold in three days or else she would be sentenced to death. Lisa was very sad as she would not able to grant the King’s whishes. Then, a stranger appeared suddenly and offered Lisa a help. The stranger was known as Rumpelstiltskin who spun straw into gold and in return Lisa gave him her necklace and ring. The King became so greedy and wanted more gold. Then, the King asked his servant to search for every last wisp of straw in the countryside so that Lisa could turn the straw into gold and promised her that she would become his queen if she granted his wishes or else he cut off her head. As Lisa was sitting sadly on the floor, Rumpelstiltskin appeared for the third time and offered his last help to Lisa. In return, Lisa had nothing to reward him. Rumpelstiltskin spun the straw into gold and for a promise Lisa would give her first-born child to him after she became a queen. After a year, the King and Lisa had a baby son. Rumpelstiltskin returned to claim his reward. The queen was frightened and offered him all the wealth she had if she could keep the child. Rumpelstiltskin refused and finally agreed to give up his claim to the child if the queen could guess his name in three days. At first she failed, but before the final night, her parents followed Rumpelstiltskin to the woods and they overheard him singing. While he was singing and hopping around the fire, they discovered his name as Rumpelstiltskin. When the dwarf came to the queen on the third day and she revealed his name, Rumpelstiltskin lost his bargain. He was so angry and stamped the floor so hard and vanished in a puff of smoke. Lisa’s father learnt his lesson and he promised her that he would never boast again.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This sinopsis is really fantastic and so helpful for me

  3. this synopsis very helpful for my homework and worksheet

  4. This Is Very Useful During Exam Time...!!!
    Thx !!!

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  7. So, basically, rhumplestiltzkin got screwed over on the deal. Plus: the girl was forced into a relationship( also to bare children too ) an abusive man, who almost immediately threatened her life. Just because her dad was a liar, and a fat mouth. Sad.

  8. This was my favorite fairy tale as a child. I didn't realize why I was an adult. My parents did give me a away when I was almost seven years old to my grandmother who was harsh and strict and although I didn't realize it until I was one of the two people in the world that loved me unconditionally. (The other one is my brother who cried and begged to go with me and went to live with our grandmother's childless sister.) Because of her stern parenting I became a good student and have achieved almost all of my dreams.

  9. This was my favorite fairy tale as a child. I didn't realize why I was an adult. My parents did give me a away when I was almost seven years old to my grandmother who was harsh and strict and although I didn't realize it until I was one of the two people in the world that loved me unconditionally. (The other one is my brother who cried and begged to go with me and went to live with our grandmother's childless sister.) Because of her stern parenting I became a good student and have achieved almost all of my dreams.

  10. Thank for this story it is very helpful for me to do my homework
